Prof. James Cahoon – UNC Chapel Hill

Event Date:
October 28, 2013 – 4:00 PM to October 29, 2013 – 4:59 PM
Burson 115
Event Date:
October 28, 2013 – 4:00 PM to October 29, 2013 – 4:59 PM
Burson 115
Seminar Series
Fall 2013
Prof. James Cahoon
UNC Chapel Hill
Department of Chemistry
Will be Presenting
“Silicon Nanowires for Photonics, Plasmonics, and Photovoltaics”
Silicon nanowires have been pursued as an important technology in areas ranging from photonics to photovoltaics. Nevertheless, the implementation of nanowire technology has been limited by the extent to which the composition and morphology of wires can be controlled during synthesis. Here, we demonstrate an entirely bottom-up method to modulate nanowires along their growth axis with sub-10 nm spatial resolution. We use this chemical modulation to encode high-resolution shapes in the nanowires, including bow-ties, nanogaps, and gratings. The tunable light-scattering and absorption characteristics of these nanowires can be used for tunable photonic and photovoltaic devices. We further demonstrate the use of shape-controlled nanowires as topological templates for metal films that support surface plasmon resonances. High-resolution control of morphology and composition opens the door to a diverse set of new applications for nanowire technology.
B.S. 2003 The College of William and Mary in Chemistry and Philosophy. Ph.D. in Chemistry 2008 University of California, Berkeley with Prof. Charles B. Harris – Monitoring chemical reaction dynamics with one and two dimensional vibrational spectroscopy. Post-doc 2009-2011 with Prof. Charles M. Lieber – Developing silicon nanowire photovoltaics. 2011 – current: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.