Joanna K. Krueger, Ph.D.

Joanna K. Krueger, Ph.D.
B.A.(ACS): Kalamazoo College
Ph.D.: Princeton University
Post-doc: (NIH/NRSA Fellow)
U. T. Southwestern Medical Center
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Research Corporation- Cottrell College Science Award
ORAU Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
North Carolina Biotechnology Award
Field of Interest: Biochemistry
Research Focus:
My laboratory is interested in obtaining structural information on biomolecular associations using the techniques of small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering, chemical cross-linking with peptide analysis by Mass Spec, selected-site mutagenesis and spectroscopy (FTIR, CD, UV-VIS). We will use these data to build molecular models of protein:protein complexes and thus, to provide new insights into the molecular basis of protein interactions.
Currently, we are looking at a protein, gelsolin, that when activated, through increases in intracellular calcium, binds to the cytoskeletal actin and regulates actins’ ability to self-associate. This regulation results in cell shape changes essential to the proper functioning of the cell. By studying the structure of the molecular complex between actin and gelsolin, we will provide key insights into molecular basis for several disease states related to improper functioning of the cell, such as cancer.