Master of Science (M.S.) Program
The Department of Chemistry offers a research-based Master of Science (M.S.) degree, which provides the background necessary for further graduate or professional studies in the physical, life or medical sciences or a career in chemistry.
The M.S. degree requires a minimum of 30 credit hours and a thesis based on original research carried out under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Classwork can be completed in the first semester!
Student participation in research activities is through selection of a faculty advisor and enrollment in the special research courses offered.
Already attending Charlotte? UNC Charlotte B.S. degree chemistry majors may elect to participate in the five-year Accelerated Early Entry M.S. program. Learn more about the Early Entry Program.
No GRE needed!
Application for admission is through the Charlotte Graduate School website at Application materials will include: A personal statement on why you are interested in the program and your goals (specific information on your research interests is particularly helpful), a resume or CV, transcripts from all previous institutions (unofficial are acceptable), and three letters of reference submitted directly by your recommenders.
Fellowships are available for students enrolled in the M.S. in Chemistry program and for students seeking an interdisciplinary doctoral degree through the Department of Chemistry.
In-State tuition support is available and out-of-state support may be provided. Tuition waivers covering state tuition are also available to external applicants through the Thomas Walsh Tuition Fellowships.
Graduate students generally support their education through teaching or research assistantships available through the Department of Chemistry. Assistantship stipends are in addition to tuition support.
Teaching Assistantship is guaranteed for the first 2 years, including summer session.
Chemistry faculty offer research opportunities in all areas of molecular and nanoscale sciences, and many participate in formal or informal interdisciplinary research programs.
Faculty research interests include computational chemistry, organic synthesis, polymer chemistry, organometallic chemistry, structural and mechanistic organic chemistry, electrochemistry, materials and interfacial chemistry, catalysis, biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, analytical separations, bioanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, and chemical education.
Graduate students are assigned individual projects and work closely with faculty members to build their own, original contribution to the scientific literature. Students have full access to and receive excellent training in the use of any departmental instrumentation needed to carry out their research. Results are presented at informal seminars, scientific conferences, and in articles published in high-quality, refereed journals.
Research in the Department is funded in part from competitive grants obtained from agencies such as the American Chemical Society, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, DoD, DoE, Research Corporation, Dreyfus Foundation, North Carolina Biotechnology Center, UNC Charlotte Foundation, and private industry.
Chemistry Master’s Program
Jerry M. Troutman, Ph.D.
M.S. Graduate Program Director
Science 305