
A new article titled “Optimized Fabrication of Dendritic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Efficient Delivery System for Cancer Immunotherapy” has been published from Dr. Juan Vivero-Escoto’s lab. You can find the article here.

Susan Michaels has been selected as one of the Finalists for the 2024 UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence. The UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence is one of the most important and prestigious traditions at UNC Charlotte. This award honors outstanding non-tenure track teachers on our campus and provides an example of the University’s […]

Ruby Manderna has been awarded a highly competitive Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) Software Fellowship to promote the development of software infrastructure, middleware, and frameworks for broader impact in the field of computational molecular sciences, quantum chemistry, and materials science. Ruby was chosen for this prestigious fellowship on the basis of an outstanding research proposal, […]

Ryan Spillane–Winner 2024Biography. Ryan received his Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from NC State University, where he served as an undergraduate teaching assistant for organic chemistry, received graduate-level training in chemical biology techniques, and conducted research in an organic chemistry lab focusing on the synthesis of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers with applications for anti-cancer drug […]

Drinking water purification The grant will allow Poler to expand on his team’s recent innovations in water purification that have led to the creation of patented materials capable of removing harmful compounds more effectively than current market solutions. Poler founded startup naneXPure LLC and will work with Goulston Technologies, based in Monroe, to scale up […]

The funds will be used to support Yasmine Radwan on a 6 month internship at Mimetas, a privately owned biotechnology company developing human organ-on-a-chip tissue models and products for drug development. This is a great opportunity for Yasmine and the Afonin group.

Please join the Department of Chemistry in congratulating Laura Casto-Boggess for receiving a grant from NC Space Grant! The NC Space Grant funds research aligned with NASA’s mission directorates. Laura and her lab will be exploring “Nanoscale sample processing and analysis using segmented flow patterns and capillary electrophoresis for high sensitivity detection of potential biosignatures in […]

The Department of Chemistry welcomes the 2024 Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) Conference. This workshop runs from June 3rd to June 7th and features hands on experience learning python coding in addition to great presentations from guest speakers. Join us on Friday for the student presentations where participants will showcase what they have been working […]

The grant will support a collaboration involving both UNC Charlotte and Winthrop researchers to explore photocatalysis with thiazolothiazoles. Photocatalysis is one of the most active areas of development in synthetic chemistry and pharmaceutical development, but much of the field has relied on scarce elements for the catalyst itself. This new research program will develop photocatalytic […]

The ACS Publications Diversity & Inclusion Cover Art Series is back for 2024! This portfolio-wide initiative aims to amplify marginalized voices and recognize historically excluded or under-recognized populations of chemists. Since the program’s initial launch in Analytical Chemistry in February 2021, we have published unique and impactful stories through cover art and accompanying editorials. This initiative was then […]

The Priscilla Carney Jones Scholarship was established by Paul R. Jones, in memory of his wife, to provide scholarships for female undergraduate majors in chemistry or related disciplines who are beginning their junior or senior years of study. Priscilla Carney Jones wished to have this scholarship established because of the difficulties she faced as a […]

Dr. Juan Vivero-Escoto was recently interviewed by WBTV on your side about his research on antibiotic resistant bacteria. Check out the segment here to learn more about the amazing research being done at Charlotte!

Congratulations to My Vuong, who has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in the field of Chemistry – Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry! My is a Chemistry major in the University Honors Program. She has worked in Professor Bejger’s laboratory since 2021, where she studies organometallic polymers made from metal-sulfur clusters and N-heterocyclic […]

Congratulations to Dr. Jacob Horger, Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry. Dr. Horger has been selected to participate in the 5th annual Faculty Showcase. The committee in charge of the showcase said of Jacob’s work, “The quality of the work he recently undertook with the Office of Assessment and Accreditation’s Scholarship of Assessment […]

Dr. Vivero-Escoto’s lab has been quite busy and it really shows! Read below about 3 projects that have recently been funded: Project Number1R16GM145434-01 Antimicrobial resistant bacteria (ARB) and genes (ARGs) are one of the biggest public health issues of the 21st century. In this project; we propose to develop a light-activated silver nanoparticulate system for […]

Please join the department in congratulating Dr. Kirill Afonin for being named this year’s recipient of the First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal! The First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal was first awarded in 1988 and recognizes outstanding scholarship, creativity, and research among senior full-time faculty members. Each year the University, with support from First Citizens Bank, […]

The Graduate Research Fellows – in fields of study ranging from physics, chemistry and plant biology, to psychology and mechanical engineering – will be diving into a full spectrum of research topics, from tardigrades to turbulence, from detecting coral bleaching through spectroscopy to cosmic microwaves that may tell the story of the first second of […]

Thomas Perrell, M.S. Chemistry Candidate awarded coveted Fellowship Perrell was recognized for his outstanding contribution to Charlotte’s graduate program on Nov 3rd where he presented on the “Advancements in Thiazolothiazole Photoredox Catalysis.”