

Chemistry Majors

The Chemistry Department offers two B.S. degrees (a B.S. in Chemistry and a B.S. in Chemistry with a Concentration in Biochemistry) that are certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS). The Department also offers two analogous non-certified B.S. degrees that require a slightly reduced course load relative to the ACS certified degrees. Students who pursue any of the Department’s four B.S. degrees are well-prepared for future graduate studies, in part because undergraduate research is incorporated into the curricula of these degrees.

The department also offers a B.A. in Chemistry, an appropriate degree for students who do not plan to pursue graduate studies in chemistry. Students should consult with their academic advisors before deciding whether a B.A. or B.S. degree will better support their career goals.

If a student wishes to earn a B.S. in chemistry they must first have a C or better in CHEM 2132+L or CHEM 3111 and have a C or better in PHYS 2102+L. New Chemistry students in the B.A degree who eventually want to earn a B.S. degree in Chemistry need to take the higher level of physics (see B.S. in Chemistry)

The Chemistry Department strongly urges all undergraduate students with a strong interest in chemistry, regardless of their chosen major, to consider pursuing undergraduate research with professors in the Chemistry Department. Freshmen through Seniors are welcome to participate in undergraduate research.

The B.A. in Chemistry with Secondary Teaching Licensure, developed in collaboration with the College of Education, meets the North Carolina requirements for secondary (grades 9-12) teaching licensure in Chemistry. Students seeking teaching licensure should consult with a co-advisor in the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education in the College of Education for detailed planning of their professional education coursework.

Chemistry Minors

The Minor in Chemistry provides a means for students majoring in another discipline to develop a foundation of knowledge in selected areas of chemistry. Students majoring in science or non-science disciplines are welcome to pursue a minor in chemistry.

Students majoring in chemistry are welcome to pursue a Minor in Biotechnology, offered in collaboration with the Department of Biology, which allows students to learn about the use of living systems and their components to resolve a problem or generate a product.

Students consider pursuing a major or minor in chemistry should consult the Academic Plan of Study and then contact the Chemistry Department or Dr. Eric McKenzie.

Chemistry Honors Program

While the Honors Program in Chemistry is intended primarily for chemistry majors, it is open to students in other majors who have the appropriate background in chemistry.

Please contact Dr. Jordan Poler for information about the Chemistry Honors Program.

Early Entry into the Chemistry M.S. Program

The Early Entry into the Chemistry M.S. program leads to completion of all requirements for the B.S. and M.S. degrees in only five academic years plus a final summer. In this program, students begin graduate coursework during the final semester of their senior year. Up to six credit hours (at the 5000 or 6000 level) may be double-counted towards both the B.S. and M.S. degrees. Students earn a B.S. degree at the end of this semester and are generally able to complete a Master’s degree after another year and a summer of full-time study and research.

Please contact Dr. Jerry Troutman for more information about the Early Entry Chemistry M.S. Program.